Bermad China Co., Ltd. 伯尔梅特
 作者: 2021/02/23 07:09


公司名称Company name: Bermad China Co., Ltd. 伯尔梅特

领域分类 Catalogue: 农业节水灌溉

公司网址 Company website:

联系人 Contact person: Cathy Fang

电话 Tel: 13564638259 02154409950 ext 34



公司简介 Company introduction


BERMAD is a Provider of Water Control Solutions. BERMAD provides comprehensive customized solutions for the water and air flow control and management of water supply. Specializes in smart Automatic Hydraulic Control Valves and Air Control Valves for the Waterworks, Irrigation and Fire Protection segments. Year of establishment: 1965 No. of employees: 800 Worldwide
伯尔梅特-作为一个水控制方案提供者,伯尔梅特为水流和气流控制以及供水系统管理提供 全面的有针对性的解决方案。尤其擅长给排水领域的自动水力控制阀和空气阀,灌溉领域以 及消防领域。公司成立于 1965 年,全球职工总数 800 人。  


特色产品/解决方案介绍 Featured Product / Solution 

BERMAD continues to develop, manufacture and market automatic diaphragm actuated control valves and air valves together with a wide range of water & fluid control management products that are marketed, sold and serviced in nearly every country and every language. Some of these products include:
伯尔梅特一直致力于开发、生产、推广自动隔膜驱动控制阀和空气阀以及各类流体控制管 理产品。这些流体控制管理产品被用各国语言在世界各国进行营销、销售和维护保养管 理产品。这些流体控制管理产品被用各国语言在世界各国进行营销、销售和维护保养。主 要产品如下:
· 700 and 400 Series - Hydraulic, diaphragm actuated metal control valves for multi-purpose applications. The Series ranges from 3/4” (20mm) to 48” (1200mm) with working pressures up to 40 bar.
· 700 400 系列-液压,隔膜驱动金属控制阀,用途广泛。尺寸 3/4” (20mm) 48” (1200mm), 使用压力高达 40bar
· 100 and 200 Series ranging from 3/4” (20mm) to 6” (150mm) - Solenoid operated and pressure regulating plastic valves for all kinds of irrigation applications
· 100 200 系列,尺寸 3/4” (20mm) 6” (150mm)-电磁控制和压力调节塑料阀,广泛应用于 灌溉领域

·C10, K10 Series – Air valves for irrigation applications  
· C10K10系列-空气阀,用于水分配,排污以及灌溉领域

中国市场经验 Chinese market experiences / cases
Bermad knows the value of a single drop of water and how best to reap its full advantage. Today, Bermad serves its international customer base working together from the design stages, through production until successful commissioning on site. Bermad’s dedicated sales and engineering staff work with designers and customers to provide customized solutions per project. Bermad has been present in China for over 20 years through its subsidiary in Shanghai, offering local onsite support for its loyal customer base all over the country.
伯尔梅特珍惜每一滴水的价值并且知道如何将每一滴水的价值发挥到极致。如今,伯尔梅 特已经拥有广泛的国际客户群。从设计阶段到生产一直到在项目地的成功运行,伯尔梅特 在每一个阶段都与客户保持紧密联系,随时提供服务。伯尔梅特接手的每一个项目都会有 的专门销售人员和技术人员与设计师和客户沟通,以提供符合客户要求的定制化解决方 案。 伯尔梅特在中国成立已有 20 年。位于上海的子公司一直致力于为全国的忠实客户群提供各 种现场服务。  







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